Chapter IV Part II
Biting sunlight made Grace pull the covers over her head immediately when she opened her eyes. The tiredness was still in every tiny fiber of her body and it was difficult for her to have a clear thought. She tried to turn on her side, but immediately found soft padding. Confused, she opened her eyes and saw that she had fallen asleep on the sofa. Turned on her side, she listened into the quiet apartment. The television had apparently gone out of its own accord at some point, at least the red light on the edge of the device indicated it. With a sigh, she pushed herself up and fell back against the cushion. Even when she slept soundly, she felt exhausted.
It will do you good to get on feet.
Grace checked her cell phone to see what time it was. In the next moment she got to her feet, startled. It was only two hours before Sidney wanted to come and open the shop. Actually, she had wanted to take a closer look at the shop before it happened. She hurried up the stairs. After a quick shower, she hurriedly picked out fresh jeans and a black, thin sweater. As soon as she finished getting dressed, she went down to the kitchen. Her stomach growled as if she hadn't eaten for half a day and even if she only had time to grab a slice of toast, she didn't want to do without it completely. Her project was interrupted the moment she stood on the doorstep of the kitchen. Something that sounded like shattering glass rang out from below. Her heart stopped when she heard quiet cursing. Her hand tightened on her cell phone and she slowly made her way to the railing. She couldn't make out anyone in the sales area, but she still heard footsteps. Did they come from the café area? Grace took a deep breath as she slowly moved along the railing towards the stairs. After every step she took, she tried to make out something, but she had to go down several steps before a young, dark-skinned man stepped into the passage to the café. He obviously hadn't seen her as he was busy sweeping up a glass with a hand brush. Grace watched him clean up, irritated. It looked like he knew his way around here very well. Over his jeans and a red shirt, he wore an apron, as often worn by baristas. The thought of who it could be dawned on Grace as he walked behind the sales area of ​​the cafe. Gathering her courage, she cleared her throat.
Her voice sounded less certain than she would have liked. In the end she literally broke off. But the man seemed to have heard, because he spun around in surprise.
"Oh ..... I ..... I'm sorry, I broke the glass."
Grace nodded automatically as she went down the last few steps. The young man stopped in the doorway to the café and waited for her to come over to him. His hands ran nervously over the apron.
"Hello, you're Evellyn's grandniece aren't you? I'm Kyle. I ran the café for Evellyn."
"Nice to meet you, Kyle," Grace replied, holding out her hand, "I'm Grace."
He stared at her hand for a few seconds before reluctantly pounding. His skin felt cold, it was almost uncomfortable. Kyle withdrew his hand quickly and smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry ... I am not so comfortable with ... touch."
She wasn't sure what she understood exactly, but she couldn't think of anything else to say at the moment. She shoved her hands into her pocket on her bum and let her gaze wander briefly.
"I thought I would prepare the café when we open. I hope it was okay that I ordered cake."
"Um ... I think so. Would have been better to discuss it anyway. But I couldn't find your number."
"Sidney told me ... today and I thought it was too late otherwise."
Grace nodded affirmatively before taking a deep breath.
"Well, it doesn't matter now. Just hope that someone comes at all."
"I think so," said Kyle, "word gets around very quickly around here. If you don't mind, I'd go back to work. I have to clean the machine."
She eyed him. How old was he? Was he a student like Sidney too? His age was hard to tell because there was something about him that made her feel like he was older than he looked.
"Are you doing anything else besides? I mean besides working here."
Kyle paused in surprise and froze a little.
"Studies. I study like Sidney."
"Oh. Sports too?"
Kyle started laughing.
"No. I don't like sports. I have ... I'm studying engineering."
He seemed to notice that she raised an eyebrow, as he hastily added:
"Actually, I'm taking a break right now. I'm no longer sure about my studies."
"Oh ... sorry, I never really push questions like this. Somehow ... I don't know either."
As she spoke, she could see Kyle tilt his head a little. She got the feeling that his look was understanding and a friendly smile appeared on his face.
"It's all new here. Don't worry. If there is anything, just let me know."
"Thanks. Sidney should come in a minute ... and I urgently need something to eat before I go to the shop."
Grace checked her watch, then sighed. Time seemed to run out whenever she couldn't use it at all.
"Haven't had lunch yet?"
"Haven't even eaten today. I ... overslept."
Grace laughed sheepishly.
"If that is so, how about this: I'm a good employee and I'll make my new boss a grilled sandwich while she can get started with work."
"A grilled sandwich? I admit that sounds good."
"Got everything here for it and I promise you won't regret it. My grilled sandwiches are legendary."
"Now you're setting the bar very high. To make that clear, now I want to see results too."
"Very well ma'm."
Kyle began gathering groceries before pulling a small contact grill from a shelf. Grace watched him for a moment before he looked up again and made a shooing motion in her direction. Grace raised her hands defensively and went back to the bookstore area with a smile. There she gradually began to go through the shelves. She got an overview of how the books were sorted and how many were still on the shelf. As she walked through the rows, the smell of grilled bread and cheese began to spread. Immediately, her stomach announced even more aching. It was hard to concentrate, so Grace only did a short inspection. At the end she took another look into the storeroom, which was in the right back of the shop. It was a small, crammped room with shelves and boxes in which books were stored. She wasn't sure, but apparently Evellyn had kept the same order here as outside. That would at least make some things easier for her. When she heard the shop door open, she left the storeroom. Sidney had arrived and was taking off her jacket. Underneath, she wore a simple black dress that went up to her knees and red leggings.
"It smells so delicious Kyle. Why do you keep torturing me like that?"
"Why do I torment you, I've prepared one for you too. I also have to charm my new boss!"
"Hey Grace is cool. Just be nice to her. Hey Grace!"
Sidney beamed happily at her when Grace came up to her.
"Hello Sidney. Is it already 2pm?"
"No, but our course ended earlier today, so I thought I could come here sometime. And it was the right decision."
She looked longingly at Kyle, who was preparing the plates of food. Grace frowned skeptically. She couldn't really imagine a grilled sandwich deserving such a reaction. Together they went over to one of the tables and Kyle served them food. Without being asked, he put a coffee for both of them down. Sidney took a deep breath, a big smile on her face.
"Bon appetit," she said before reaching for her sandwich.
The fact that she immediately dropped the bread back on the plate showed Grace that it was good to wait. Sidney blew on her fingers and gave Kyle a slightly sour look, as he was obviously amused by the burned fingers. Grace picked up her coffee and blew to cool. It gave her something to do without having to reveal her embarrassment that she had no idea what to talk about now.
"Don't you want to eat anything Kyle?" Were the first words she found.
He shook his head and ran his hand through his short, black hair, seemingly embarrassed.
"He doesn't eat or drink at work," Sidney said on his behalf.
"I don't know why you always sound so strange when you say that. I just don't think it's right. I can eat at home," Kyle replied with a slight roll of his eyes.
"What? I'm just saying it so Grace won't be surprised."
Slowly the food seemed cold enough as Sidney began carefully to nibble on her bread.
"Do I understand correctly that Evellyn mainly left the café to Kyle?" Grace asked the group.
She hoped the others didn't notice the slight tremor in her voice. It was uncomfortable for her to ask. Kyle might think she was accusing him of not telling the truth.
"Yes, she did. Sometimes she chose the cake, but Evellyn already had enough to do with the bookstore," Sidney answered the question.
"If she already had so much work to do, why did she want a café in the shop?"
Sidney's gaze shifted to Kyle, as if he would sooner know the answer.
"She said it felt right."
Kyle shrugged.
"People already spend so much time here chatting, that it would be more comfortable. With chairs"
"There are no other cafes nearby."
"In the really immediate area, no. Only the bakery. There are cafes further to the center of the city," Sidney replied.
"Okay ... I should have a look at the finances of the two stores. Could I have the accounts?"
"Has Evellyn upstairs in her office," Kyle replied, pointing upwards with his index finger, "I got everything ready for her and she filed it upstairs."
"Then I already know what I'll do for the evening."
"You poor. I can definitely imagine something nicer."
Sidney grimaced in pain. Grace couldn't help but laugh, embarrassed.
"I think I'll have more fun with it than you can imagine."
"Really love numbers goes so far?" Asked Kyle.
"Hey, there's a reason I chose my subject."
After a sip of coffee, Grace reached for her sandwich. Her stomach had been protesting the whole time, but she just hadn't wanted to take the risk of burning her mouth. The cheesy core of the sandwich was still very warm, but a varied taste experience unfolded immediately. The cheese was aromatic, she tasted ham and a fresh herb sauce. Grace couldn't tell if it was because she was very hungry or if Sidney hadn't promised too much, but the sandwich actually tasted heavenly. When her gaze fell on Sidney, she noticed that the other was looking at her with a wide, satisfied grin.
"Good, isn't it?"
Grace choked a little before managing an embarrassed smile.
"It tastes good, yes."
"Oh man, someone else I get to make sandwiches all the time," Kyle complained with an annoyed snort.
Grace felt her throat tighten a little. She hadn't really wanted to go into trouble. Did Kyle think now that she would always demand that from him? As she tried to contain her thoughts, her eyes met Kyle's and he winked at her with a big grin. She felt some tension release from her. Apparently he hadn't meant it seriously. Still, she definitely wouldn't overdo it with her orders.
The three sat together until the women finished eating. After that, Kyle returned behind the counter and the other two began preparing the bookstore for opening.