Chapter IV Part IV
It was just before 7pm and they were preparing the store to close. There was only one guest in the café and no one was in the bookstore. Sidney was explaining the book order system to Grace when the door to the store opened. A tall, older man with short-cut gray hair came in. He wore a visibly high quality coat, as well as suit pants. On his nose were glasses in a more modern style. His gaze wandered attentively over the area until he ended at Sidney and Grace. Beside her, to her surprise, Grace could hear Sidney moan softly in annoyance. She turned her gaze to her questioningly. Even with the toughest customers today, Sidney had remained a prime example of politeness and had just rolled her eyes in amusement afterwards. A really bad word hadn't escaped her lips. The man had obviously focused his gaze on Grace and at the same moment a polite smile appeared.
"You must be Mrs. Silburgh's great niece."
He stepped up to her and took her hand to shake her.
"William Hagreth, it's a pleasure to meet you."
"All mine," Grace replied hesitantly, "May I ask, were you familiar with my great-aunt?"
"I would rather describe him as a bloodsucker," Sidney burst out at the same moment.
"Please! No wonder the store wasn't doing so well anymore. A really dubious employee mentality. I would never allow something like that."
"I beg your pardon! I'm not the one who snows in shortly after the shopkeeper dies to make an offer to buy."
Grace looked back and forth between Mr. Hagreth and Sidney, surprised and overwhelmed. It wasn't hard to see that there was a past between them. An offer to buy? Who was the man?
"Maybe I can help you further," said a calm voice next to Grace.
She spun around startled. She hadn't heard the guest coming from the café, but now he was standing right next to her. A tall man, probably six feet tall, with a narrow and very fine-looking face. His skin was very white, his hair golden-blond. Except for the smile on his lips, his face was cool and absent. He was wearing a dark blue suit without a tie. He seemed to notice Grace's perplexity because he turned to her.
"Excuse my boldness, but the discussion could not be overheard. And it seems that dear Sidney is a little upset. Mr. Hagreth owns a bookstore, like your aunt. It is only a few blocks away. And the assumption that he is here to make you an offer, comes from the fact that he has already made such an offer to your aunt several times. "
It was strange, but the man's calm demeanor was beginning to affect Grace's mind too. She felt how her restlessness decreased and the feeling of overwhelm and surprise slowly faded.
"I see. Thank you very much ...."
"Andren Night, very pleased Miss Lindmann."
"Thank you very much Mr. Night. That helped a lot to clear everything up."
Grace turned to Mr. Hagreth. She wasn't thrilled that he showed up the first day the store opened again. It really didn't make him very sympathetic. But if she was seriously considering selling the shop, it might be an offer she had to look at.
"Nevertheless, I forbid the assumption that I only came here to make the lady an offer. I am here to express my condolences," defended Mr. Hagreth with an irritated look at Sidney.
"Thank you, Mr. Hagreth," Grace replied, "how about you leave me your card. Maybe we can talk after the funeral."
"Of course."
Mr. Hagreth took a business card out of his inside pocket and handed it to her. Then he nodded once more before turning and leaving the shop. Sidney shot him an angry look.
"You don't really want to listen to his offer, do you?"
Grace swallowed while she put the card away. Maybe she needed to talk to Sidney and Kyle about what the future of the store was like. But that wasn't something she wanted to do before the funeral.
"It was the easiest way to get rid of him quickly," she explained evasively.
Sidney grumbled a bit to herself before walking over to Kyle, who had been watching everything from his counter. Grace let out a sigh of relief.
The situation had made one thing clear to her. It was all well and good that she considered selling the store. But it would affect the people around. She had seen how well the café had been filled without any real advertising Many had certainly come here to take a curious look at her. Still, the tables were full and Kyle was busy. Her stomach seemed to twist in itself as she looked over at Sidney and Kyle. Her heart pounded hard against her chest while a sinking feeling filled her stomach. That was a conversation she wasn't looking forward to. The only bright spot was that afterwards she could simply return home.
A very wonderful thought, Grace. Don't care if I leave a mess.
In fact, she deserved every evil look she might be given in the future