Chapter VI Part II
The silence in the shop continued until the front door slammed again. Grace stared aside as if she were with her thoughts, but in reality she just didn't want to see the others react. Mel started sipping his coffee before clearing his throat.
"I think I'll go then. See you," he said hastily, already walking towards the door.
Most of all, he got nods in response. Sidney mumbled goodbye.
"So, already figured out how much you want from Hagrath?"
"What? I at least want to know why it is so easy to get rid of everything!"
Grace opened her mouth, but despite her raging anger inside her, nothing would come out. Instead, she clenched her fists while her gaze remained fixed on the one point on the wall. She could hear Kyle furiously throwing the towel in the corner.
"Grace ... Kyle ... She never said she was selling to Hagreth."
"As if someone made a better offer," Kyle snorted, "It would have been nice to even know you wanted to sell."
"I wasn't sure yet, okay!?"
The words finally found their way out. And her voice was louder than she had intended.
"Great, great! As if that were a consolation. Evellyn is not even underground and the corpses are already being plummeted here. It is very clear to whom what is important here."
"Kyle, this is going too far!", Sidney tried to calm ihm down.
"What should I do? Leave everything behind, move here and take care of the shop?"
"You could at least be honest. That would be the least."
Grace let out a short cry of anger that surprised herself more than anyone else in the room. She used the upcoming break to collect herself.
"I'm honest. It's my decision and my life."
The looks Kyle gave her were piercing. He snorted disparagingly, turned away and left the counter towards the back door.
"That's the only thing that matters, isn't it?"
Before either of them could say anything else, they heard the back door slam into the lock. Sidney let out an audible breath as Grace put her hand over her eyes.
It was as she had feared. What should she do? Please everyone? That didn't work anyway. Hannah's words came back to her mind and she took a deep breath.
It's about me too and that's okay.
Someone put a hand on her shoulder. Grace winced slightly and looked up. Her gaze crossed with that of Sideny, who then showed an apologetic smile.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on with Kyle. I mean ... sure, I'm not happy with your desicion, but honestly, I was expecting it. I mean, I would probably do the same, if I suddenly inherited a shop in Germany. "
"Thanks Sidney. I promise I won't sell to Hargreth."
The laugh Sidney let out sounded honest and very liberated.
"I believe you. God, is he unsympathetic."
"It's been a long time since I've met someone like this," Grace said, shaking her head, "Do you think Kyle will be okay?"
"Honestly? I have no idea," Sidney replied, her eyebrows furrowed in concern, "He's a little grumpy at times, but I've never seen him like this. I think you just have to give him time."
"Did he have a special relationship with the store?"
"I never thought about it. But now that you say it ... that's right. Evellyn, Mr. Steel, Hannah, Celina and Tyrn used to meet here."
"Yeah, a strange name isn't it? Tyrn Seaguard. I think he's from Norway. He definitely looks like a Viking. He's a friend of Mr. Steel. What I'm getting at, they sat together a lot and I once heard Evellyn tell Kyle that he always has a home here. I'm sorry, I never thought it was so important. "
"It's not your fault."
"That is nice of you. Unfortunately, I have to go now too. My bus is about to leave and otherwise I have to wait an hour."
Sidney went to the warehouse and took out her jacket.
"I just hope Kyle comes back. I can't reach him. Wait, can you tell him I want to talk to him."
Sidney paused confused, the doorknob already in hand.
"I don't have his number. Evellyn just phoned him."
"Oh ... but ..."
"Sorry Grace. Let's talk about it tomorrow. I really have to go."
"Yes, sorry. See you tomorrow."
Grace went to the shop door after Sidney closed it. Her gaze went thoughtfully outside. Didn't Kyle say Sidney let him know? Or did she misunderstand? Had they met somewhere and not made a phone call? No matter what it was, if she didn't have his number, she really couldn't reach him. Unless she was lucky and found Kyle's number on the paper en. Grace locked the door and then went back into the cafe area. Kyle had gone out the back and she hadn't heard he'd locked it.
Why ever he went out the back.
When she pressed the handle of the garden door, however, she found that it was locked. Why Kyle had a key to the back door was a question Grace refused to ask. She took the key of the door, which was on the door sill, put it in the lock and turned it sideways. At least then nobody could come in without being asked, even if they had a key. After double-checking everything downstairs, she turned off the lights and went upstairs.