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The suitcase felt heavier than she expected. Had she really packed that much? Had it felt so heavy in the beginning? With a thoughtful and slightly annoyed expression, Lara tried to get a firm grip. Every step since moving onto the bridge seemed like one own journey. The weight of the case seemed to pull her back. It was not long before she stopped breathing on the middle of the bridge. Her bag and suitcase hit the floor harder than she had intended when parking and that thump made her flinch. As she caught her breath, Lara looked at her luggage.

What had she actually packed? She tried to remember the morning, but everything that came to her mind didn't seem important enough to take this agony. If things were so important, why had she waited until the very last moment to wrap them up?

Exhausted, she leaned her head back. She hadn't got far. She could still see the city. A sight she actually wanted to have gotten over long ago.

The sight alone caused this feeling to just wanting to get away. Her eyes fell on her luggage again.

Her aching hand and shoulder were immediately brought back into her consciousness. It shouldn't have been like that! This was something she had wished. It shouldn't be an agony.

Her feet started to move before she realized what she was going to do. And when she looked back, she was already at the end of the bridge. Her eyes rested on the bags for a moment before simply walking on. And with every step her smile returned. Now she was really ready for an adventure.

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