
In the beginning there was only darkness. It didn't even know if there had been a difference between the darkness and itself. All it remembered was the feeling of drifting through infinity.
Light had brought it out of the state. A faint glow in front of the being. It couldn't distracted his attention from it. It was fascinated by the things that had appeared in this little drop of light. Strange creatures moving around on two stilts. Others moved on four stilts, others pushed forward without all of that. Little by little, new images kept appearing. And it circled around them, tried to take in everything new. It learned, began to understand what it saw there. Learned to tell good and bad, sad and happy events apart.
It didn't know how, but in time it understood that every drop of light was an individual being. That it contained their thoughts, that they gave him. It swore to do everything to protect them. It watched over the beautiful thoughts and destroyed the dark ones. And the beings gave it a name. It was the god of dreams, protector of people and guardian of their desires. And it would stay that way forever. Their light had created it and it would only vanishing, if they disappeared too.

I couldn't get the picture out of my head and therefore tried to reproduce it with my limited skills.