Music of Fear

The roar of the sounds made the ground tremble on which they stood. Whistling and groaning, the organ awoke from its sleep, which it had held years.
It was as if cold hands were holding him where he was. Although everything in him screamed to run, he stared up. Saw the giant move his hands over the front. Nobody knew there were sounds like that. That the metal pillars could do something other than collect dust.
When I die, it will be by a unique monster.
Again he felt something reaching for him. But this time it were small, warm hands that tugged at him. Who fought against his fear. Finally he could turn his head away. His eyes met Delwa's. Her ears twitched in all directions, her whiskers trembled. He saw her pleading. He saw her fear, which reflected his. And yet she was strong enough not to freeze in one place. Her courage brought movement back to his body. Before he could think about it, the two were already running through the hole in the wall to safety.