I wanted to write something special. Maybe something hopeful, but maybe I should go back to my first thought. About the emotions that the image triggered in me.
It has a threatening message. The way the outside world sometimes seems to me too much. Sure, everything is nice and normal, but I don't want to go out. Sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed. Everything feels too much. How should I enjoy something that scares me? I feel uncomfortable with?
I'm safe at home. Here I know what to expect. I know every corner here.
Sometimes it's just too much. There is no ease, for that I envy others. Only sadness and the feeling of being lost.
I don't want to feel that way, but how can I discuss something that I know is not logical. I know it's wrong. The feeling remains.
And when everything else gets too much, I don't want to face fears anymore. I have no strength for that.