Not alone

She didn't have to see it to know that one of them was here. She felt his presence. The air seemed heavy, breathing almost impossible. Cold and hot shiver alternately chased down her back. The otherwise familiar entrance hall suddenly seemed to twist and pull as she slowly walked toward the door of her room.
One of them, in their own apartment. It was an audacity that they had never shown before. Not even when they pushed her in front of the train.
She reached her room and pressed the handle. It was difficult not to get too hasty. She wanted to appear calm and composed, even though he knew how scared she was at that moment. Behind her the door slid into her lock. She leaned against it, as if to exclude everyone. It wouldn't work. Not with him.
By now she was sure it had to be a man. It was the way she felt, the kind of energy he was giving off. Even if he tried to hide in the shadows, she knew where he was. Here, with her in her room.
She took a deep breath and clenched her fists.
"Show yourself! Hide in the shadows! Which of us is a coward?"
Her voice was just a hiss. She didn't want her family to notice anything. There was a faint laugh in the room. Derisively. Condescending. It stoked her anger. It was no better than fear. All negative feelings only helped them to get stronger.
"Look at you. What a brave girl."
She heard the voice right next to her, but she forced herself not to move. It was important to remember that her feelings showed the truth, not her senses. She knew where he was and he wasn't standing next to her. No, he was right across from her, on the other side of the room.
When she turned her gaze to it, after a moment she could see the shadows wriggling around. And the longer she looked, the clearer she could make out a shape. It seemed that he had once been a wealthy man. His clothes were attractive, although hundreds of years old. His hair was hidden under a white wig and his blue eyes made his face look almost innocent. He was young and a look down at his body made her aware of a stab wound on his stomach. It was not surprising that someone like him ended up like this. He might have looked innocent and kind, even now when he smiled. But she could see beyond his appearance. She saw the soul behind the apparition. He was rotten to the core.