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Continuation of my favorite series

Autorenbild: Vivien K. WilkVivien K. Wilk

In addition to short stories, I've recently read some continuations of my favorite book series. Since I can't say much without spoiling, of course, here is my brief review of the last two I've read:

The Remains of the Fae

(Down &Dirty Supernatural Cleaning Service 5; Quinn, Lunetta, Lynn)

After the cliffhanger of the last book, I was very excited to see how it would go on. And even I was disappointed at the beginning about the quick pace, I had little time to think about it. Again, Paige is thrown into a turbulent adventure that brings her to the land of the Fae, together with Jax and Nico.

And I had a lot of fun with the three. The dynamic of the trio was really entertaining and showed a lot of new sides of them that made them grow dear to my heart. However, since it is the fifth book in the series, I find it difficult to write more without spoiling it.

I can say so much:

I really enjoyed the back and forth, the development of the characters and the conclusion of the book keep me waiting impatiently for the next part. Very good continuation of the series.

The Sapphire Library

(The Lady Divinier Series Book 3, Rosalie Oaks)

Elinor has a gift for magic. She is a diviner, a person who can track things down with a special talent for finding jewels. This time she is returning to London with her family, Miss Zooth and the Beresfords to retrieve the, just found, Moira pearls from a thief. And get involved in a murder case.

After the first two parts of the series have taken place on the coast, this time it’s off to London. In the search for the pearls, a completely unknown world opens up, which further enriches the magic and the characters and allows them to grow. Besides a lot of additional information, there were also interesting new characters and locations to explore.

As before, it was a pleasure to accompany Elinor and Miss Zooth on their adventures. Any additional information is also new for both of them. This gives the reader the opportunity to dive into it alongside them. The supporting characters also get their time and many have grown dear to me.

With the end of the book, I’m really curious to see where the series will develop and what adventures are still waiting for the friends. Can’t wait to read more.


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